Net Pos was 7.5 Cr; 32 Cr. of cases (Under Section 132) against the debtor in Supreme Court were already lost; AAAPL turned this case completely in our control

Faced with over multimillion debt and cash losses, AAAPL successfully led the negotiation and settlement among borrower and lender, implemented revised operating procedures in a manufacturing giant, where The NET Pos (Principal Outstanding) of the case was 7.5 Cr. And the customer offered 2.65 CR. without any definite payment plan. 32 Cr. of cases (Under Section 132) against him in Supreme Court were already lost. Though his 3 properties were mortgaged with the lender but all those have complicacies to the level that we were not able to take any legal action. Even many competent lawyers refused to handle these cases. But we worked on this day and night, developed a restructured/ modified plan, and turned this case completely in our control with an immediate recovery of 11- 15 Cr. The rest 7.5 CR recovery, the procedural part is pending only with all legal rights for the attached properties lying completely with us.